It’s been almost five months since I’ve last posted. Just about every day is scheduled to the max with work or chores, but not to a level that is soul draining. We’ve been busy, but it’s all going well. I still manage to get involved with all the different kinds of side projects that I used to, although there were certain activities that had to cease to make that happen, like going to the gym and playing the occasional computer game. However, everything is still in balance, because I get a good deal of exercise commuting to work everyday, and I continue to do some weighted exercise at home. Hoping learn how to incorporate some more regular blogging into the schedule as well.

Here’s a little glimpse of some random things that I’ve had going on since the last time I’ve posted. I won’t do too much explaining for the pictures here, because I plan on doing a separate post for some of these specifically, like the brackets I designed and printed for the aquarium, and the jury-rigged drain on the top landing in the stairwell of our apartment building. There’s a lot of detail to cover for each topic, so it’s best just to leave this post as-is.