- First post since my son was bornby Red Mage SteveIt’s been almost five months since I’ve last posted. Just about every day is scheduled to the max with work or chores, but not to a level that is soul draining. We’ve been busy, but it’s all going well. I still manage to get involved with all the different kinds of side projects that I used to, although there were certain activities that had to cease to… Read more: First post since my son was born
- Catching up with recent activityby Red Mage SteveI’m still here! been over 2 months since I’ve posted, but I’m working on improving how I juggle all the things that are going on, and hopefully I can work it to a point of efficiency that allows me to stay up to date with everything. Well, I don’t have much time to fart around and think to much about what to write, as I have to… Read more: Catching up with recent activity
- My brother came to Taiwan for a visitby Red Mage SteveI’ll get back to this post to clean it up a little eventually, but I want to get some photos and video up before waiting too long. I still have so much detailing, tagging, and organizing to do with all of the photos and videos that were taken during my brother’s stay here. At any rate, if you want to check out the complete collection of footage… Read more: My brother came to Taiwan for a visit
- A few announcements and updatesby Red Mage SteveI excel at inundating myself with various projects of different scopes and calibers, and the latest is a development in a community project which I’ve been slowly concocting over the past few years. Today I purchased the domain EmpowerTaiwan.org to serve as a community hub focused on bringing people together to collaborate, share innovative ideas, and collectively drive positive change in various sectors to enhance the well-being… Read more: A few announcements and updates
- Japan was amazing – Back in Taiwanby Red Mage Steve本当にありがとうございます日本 My girlfriend and I just returned from an 8 day stay in Tokyo, Japan. It was my first time ever visiting the country, although it had always been a goal of mine for several decades now to one day make it there. I was not disappointed. Even though I only experienced a mere fraction of the country, it was an amazing experience, and I cannot wait… Read more: Japan was amazing – Back in Taiwan
- Rooting cuttings and Typhoon closuresby Red Mage SteveI’ve been working on some new projects recently, as well as continuing ongoing projects, and reacting to certain situations, like my recent mouse problem. It’s a bit late right now, but Taipei and New Taipei announced closures due to the approaching typhoon, so I’m taking this as an opportunity to get back in the habit of blogging. For tonight, I’ll keep the writing short and just leave… Read more: Rooting cuttings and Typhoon closures
- Lunar New Year – January 25th in Taoyuan, Taiwanby Red Mage SteveToday My girlfriend and I had lunch at a friend’s home in Banqiao, and then traveled to her family’s home in Taoyuan. It’s really impressive how much traveling can be done in Taiwan via public transportation. Taoyuan is a rural city, but it also contains an airport, so there is a metro line that directly connects to Taipei, and there is a current infrastructure project underway that… Read more: Lunar New Year – January 25th in Taoyuan, Taiwan