
Welcome everyone! I know my site needs a lot of optimizing and formatting, especially for mobile viewers. Hopefully I can get more efficient with managing this website, but in the meantime, please forgive the many aesthetic and functionality flaws that you’ll find here.

Most recent posts

  • Catching up with recent activity
    I’m still here! been over 2 months since I’ve posted, but I’m working on improving how I juggle all the things that are going on, and hopefully I can work it to a point of efficiency that allows me to stay up to date with everything. Well, I don’t have much time to… Read more: Catching up with recent activity
  • My brother came to Taiwan for a visit
    I’ll get back to this post to clean it up a little eventually, but I want to get some photos and video up before waiting too long. I still have so much detailing, tagging, and organizing to do with all of the photos and videos that were taken during my brother’s stay here.… Read more: My brother came to Taiwan for a visit
  • Keeping busy despite being sick
    It’s late again, as usual, but I need to squeeze out a short post because it’s been over a month since I’ve done anything on the site. I got sick again too, not surprisingly, since I’ve allowed too many factors to mount up. My job as a teacher is directly responsible for two… Read more: Keeping busy despite being sick
  • A few announcements and updates
    I excel at inundating myself with various projects of different scopes and calibers, and the latest is a development in a community project which I’ve been slowly concocting over the past few years. Today I purchased the domain EmpowerTaiwan.org to serve as a community hub focused on bringing people together to collaborate, share… Read more: A few announcements and updates
  • Japan was amazing – Back in Taiwan
    本当にありがとうございます日本 My girlfriend and I just returned from an 8 day stay in Tokyo, Japan. It was my first time ever visiting the country, although it had always been a goal of mine for several decades now to one day make it there. I was not disappointed. Even though I only experienced a… Read more: Japan was amazing – Back in Taiwan
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