Well, very belated Happy New Year and Happy Holidays to everyone! It’s been another 4 and a half months since posting, but I think I’ll finally start committing to a more frequent upload timetable. Despite what the title of this post implies, I have actually been making progress on a number of things, but it could be greater. We’ve decided to move this coming April. So, that, coupled with the fact that my mother and brother will be visiting very soon, means that I’ve been doing a lot of downsizing and reorganizing, despite the fact that our new home will be bigger. On top of that I’ve been preparing a queue of content and material for my education website and Patreon page, so that I can be confident that I can keep a steady stream of posts going once I begin. Of course, I’m also still teaching at the same time, and doing all the other regular life stuff, so my time is fairly consumed.
Also, I’ll be uploading a lot more to youtube, because I’ve made the decision to use my personal channel to upload raw videos before they are edited. I have so many things that I’ve wanted to post, but don’t have the time to put together edited videos for them, so I’m going to have several playlists to try and somewhat sort all the big chunky raw video, and then when I finally get around to it, the edited version will appear on the other appropriately related channels.