My brother came to Taiwan for a visit

I’ll get back to this post to clean it up a little eventually, but I want to get some photos and video up before waiting too long. I still have so much detailing, tagging, and organizing to do with all…
I’ll get back to this post to clean it up a little eventually, but I want to get some photos and video up before waiting too long. I still have so much detailing, tagging, and organizing to do with all…
本当にありがとうございます日本 My girlfriend and I just returned from an 8 day stay in Tokyo, Japan. It was my first time ever visiting the country, although it had always been a goal of mine for several decades now to one day…
Today My girlfriend and I had lunch at a friend’s home in Banqiao, and then traveled to her family’s home in Taoyuan. It’s really impressive how much traveling can be done in Taiwan via public transportation. Taoyuan is a rural…