Category My Daily Blog

Sunday projects

Worked on a few things today, notably the burlap planter that I started on the other week. It’s complete for the most part now, although I might work on it a little more, adding some additional support in certain places…

Resetting my routine

It’s been a while since I’ve last posted, just a little over 2 months. So many things have transpired in that time that thinking about what to write feels like a daunting task, even though I don’t plan on going…

Updated ‘About’ section

Hey everyone. It’s been a bit longer than I would have liked, but I’m finally making some more progress on the site again. I’ve added some new pages to the ‘about’ section, although I’ll certainly be rearranging it and adding…

Site Updates

This is just a minor announcement regarding updates to the website. I am in the process of making some changes to the site, so if you are navigating the site during this time, things may seem to change strangely or…

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