Keeping busy despite being sick

It’s late again, as usual, but I need to squeeze out a short post because it’s been over a month since I’ve done anything on the site. I got sick again too, not surprisingly, since I’ve allowed too many factors…
It’s late again, as usual, but I need to squeeze out a short post because it’s been over a month since I’ve done anything on the site. I got sick again too, not surprisingly, since I’ve allowed too many factors…
I excel at inundating myself with various projects of different scopes and calibers, and the latest is a development in a community project which I’ve been slowly concocting over the past few years. Today I purchased the domain to…
本当にありがとうございます日本 My girlfriend and I just returned from an 8 day stay in Tokyo, Japan. It was my first time ever visiting the country, although it had always been a goal of mine for several decades now to one day…
I’ve been working on some new projects recently, as well as continuing ongoing projects, and reacting to certain situations, like my recent mouse problem. It’s a bit late right now, but Taipei and New Taipei announced closures due to the…
It’s a 4 day weekend this week in Taiwan as schools are closed Thursday and Friday in observance of Dragon Boat Festival. The week prior was a little more hectic than normal as we had to make up a lost…
Worked on a few things today, notably the burlap planter that I started on the other week. It’s complete for the most part now, although I might work on it a little more, adding some additional support in certain places…
It’s been a while since I’ve last posted, just a little over 2 months. So many things have transpired in that time that thinking about what to write feels like a daunting task, even though I don’t plan on going…
Hey everyone. It’s been a bit longer than I would have liked, but I’m finally making some more progress on the site again. I’ve added some new pages to the ‘about’ section, although I’ll certainly be rearranging it and adding…
This is just a minor announcement regarding updates to the website. I am in the process of making some changes to the site, so if you are navigating the site during this time, things may seem to change strangely or…
The evening is just about at an end, and so is the week. I’m feeling a little bummed out to have lost a good chunk of time today, because I really thought I was going to get to catch up…